Medicine Springs Mineral Therapy

蒙大拿 生技醫藥 - Montana Bioscience

Medicine Springs Mineral Therapy


Medicine Springs Mineral Therapy 的溫泉礦物療效產品,能為您的生活帶來另一種享受方式,您只需安坐家中,不用考慮機票、青苔或鄰居等問題,即可享受到世界級溫泉的療癒效果。


Our products at Medicine Springs offer you an accessible alternative that replicates the healing properties of hot springs without the airfare, moss, or clothing-optional neighbors.

By taking samples of and isolating the chemical compounds found in natural hot springs, we’ve created a skin-safe formula that allows you to turn your bathtub or hot tub into a world-famous mineral spring. Our time-tested formulas will help to rejuvenate your skin, remobilize your joints, or speed up your post-workout recovery.