Fyr Diagnostics

蒙大拿 生技醫藥 - Montana Bioscience

Fyr Diagnostics


Fyr Diagnostics 利用與疾病相關的胞外體(或稱胞外囊泡Extracellular Vesicles )來研發次世代的液體活檢生物標誌物,以滿足尚未能接受完整治療的疾病患者需求。此類胞外體生物標誌物可以隨液體活檢(例如抽血、尿液樣本)進行非侵入性檢測並協助取得相關生物數據,這些資訊不僅與潛在疾病高度相關,更與相關臨床結果密不可分。

Fyr Diagnostics (Missoula, MT) harnesses the disease-relevant cargo of Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) to develop the next generation of liquid biopsy biomarkers for critical disease areas in human health that have unmet diagnostic needs. Additionally, FYR offers “turn-key” development and implementation of diagnostics and assays.


COVID-19 PCR檢測:我們的 COVID-19 檢測組包括:採集管、鼻孔前端拭子、生物危害品丟棄袋和標籤打印機。我們的採集管採用MTM技術,讓測試的過程中更安全有效。除此之外,我們提供一個容易操作的線上平台讓客戶能輕鬆下訂跟查詢測試結果。

次世代定序(NGS):FYR正與蒙大拿州衛生與公共服務部(DPHHS)合作,針對 SARS-CoV-2 基因組進行定序,以識別目標變體。此新技術也使FYR能滿足蒙大拿州在農業、食品和飲料等多個領域的其他定序需求。

Clinical Services: We provide a high efficient streamline workflows by automation enabled facility and experienced staff, also, we provide novel molecular isolation and extraction techniques.

COVID-19 PCR Testing: Our testing kit includes: collection tubes, anterior nares swabs, biohazard bags, and a loaner label printer. Our collection tubes utilize molecular transport medium (MTM) which allow safe and effective testing. Also, we offer an easy-to-use online portal for placing patient orders and viewing results.

Next-generation sequencing (NGS): FYR has partnered with the Montana Department of Health and Human Services (DPHHS) to sequence whole SARS-CoV-2 genomes in order to identify variants of concern or interest. This newly acquired capability also places FYR in a position to handle other sequencing needs for the state of Montana in a diversity of fields such as agriculture, food and beverage, etc




地址:1121 E Broadway St, Missoula, MT 59802